Friday 22 March 2013

Things I Need to Learn

Simplicity does not exclude beauty, nor happiness. 

The riotous colours of spring are not the only scenery worth photographing. I do not need to go to Banff to find something worth recording- keeping my eyes open will show me everything I need.  I think, often, what fuels our society's moves from location to location, job to job, hobby to hobby, is not a real dissatisfaction with what we have, but with the nagging idea that we should want better. I should not be happy as a waitress, because it is not a high-profile job. I should not be happy in my small town, because there is so much more culture in the cities. Why should I settle?

Indeed, why settle. I am experimenting with the idea that beauty, and happiness can be found everywhere. It is not exclusive to a major city, to night-life, museums and large movie theatres. It is not exclusive to high profile jobs- directors, travel writers, doctors. It can be found, I think, on a well treed sidewalk. In a pot full of potato stew. In one more square knitted towards your first blanket. In a secret spot, among the grasses in the field. Happiness is everywhere, waiting to be found.

I do not mean to say that if one is truly miserable in their situation, they should bear it. This is not a shut up and smell the roses thought- but for the meantime. Until I can afford to move somewhere larger. Until I can afford that tank of gas, to get me to the mountains. Until I have the training for the job I've chosen as a career- until then, do I need that night at the club? Do I need that new phone? Do I need to go see a movie every weekend, try a new restaurant instead of buying groceries? Or can I be happy here, at home? At the park down the road? Just a thought.



Wednesday 20 March 2013

An Introduction.

"There are few things more intimidating to an aspiring artist than a blank page."

Things I Know:

My name is Kaitlyn.
I live in a tiny apartment in Calgary, Alberta.
I love to read.
I like to write.
I know my ABC's, my 1-2-3's, and that there is nothing in this world worth pursuing, that is not
 worth pursuing wholeheartedly.

Things I Am:

A daughter, a sister, a student
A person of good intentions.

Things I Aspire to Be:

A good knitter
A photographer
A gardener
A prolific blogger

Things I Wish to Say:

Well, that remains to be seen.